Rescue detox ice drink

As more people look for solutions to pass the drug test, Rescue Detox Ice reviews 2022 indicates that this detox drink is becoming more and more well-liked. Your body can be rid of toxins and drug residue with the use of this Rescue Detox Ice Drink. You can expect lasting effects from the Rescue Detox Drink that might last up to five hours. Artificial sweeteners, synthetic colors, and artificial tastes are not present in the product, which only contains natural ingredients. Within 90 minutes, the beverage will start to work, and it will continue to maintain your body free of toxins, free radicals, and residues of marijuana (cannabis).

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In order to help your body more effectively remove toxins from your system, detox drinks typically combine water with fruit, vegetables, herbs, or other natural substances. Detox beverages’ main selling point is that they offer natural components in a convenient and palatable form, making them well-liked among consumers searching for an easy method to incorporate wholesome foods into their diets.

It is designed for those who have been exposed to chemicals, toxins or drugs over a prolonged period of time. This makes it very suitable for use prior to drug testing.

Benefits of Detox Ice Drink

We are exposed to pesticides, artificial chemicals, and environmental contaminants every day; if you often eat processed foods, it may be beneficial to go on a cleanse occasionally. By eliminating the harmful toxins that cause everything from gas and bloating to headaches, acne, and lethargy, detox drinks can assist you in this process.


Rescue Detox Ice Drink to pass a drug test, one of the detoxification options, is fairly comparable to detox pills in terms of how well it works for a drug test, however, the latter has a longer duration of action. Drinking detox beverages is said to be one of the finest ways to get drugs out of your system completely so that you won’t test positive for drug use. The effects of toxins or other substances in the body are masked by detox drinks.

Taking a high-quality detox drink will eliminate any drug traces in the body. This effect is produced by diluting the urine by mixing in additional minerals and vitamins, which makes the drug metabolites less noticeable during the testing procedure. It is crucial to keep in mind that detox drinks mask them rather than completely remove the drug metabolites from a person’s body.

The Rescue Detox Ice Drink is one of the best liquid detoxes on the market, according to the research we did. Since it is simple to ingest and has all the benefits, it has been referred to as a one-step drink by many. The drink comes in several fruit flavors that you can buy.

As a result of the detox drink’s all-natural composition, your body can more easily rid itself of toxins. Following the detox drink’s completion of its time of action, you are in the clear to take a drug test for a period of five hours. This suggests that you will pass all drug tests you take in the ensuing five hours without a hitch.


Rescue detox Ice (the ICE part standing for Instant Cleansing Energy) is a 32-fluid ounce bottle of detox liquid that is designed for heavy toxin exposure and is specifically stated that it works for people over 200 pounds in body size.

There are several ingredients contained in a bottle of Rescue detox:

  •  Vitamins B12 and B6 in this detox drink help you feel more energetic and give your urine a yellow tint that hides dilution.
  • It also contains Vitamin C, which is essential for cell metabolism. Your body gets electrolytes from the sodium in this detox beverage, which aids in water absorption.
  • Additionally, the product’s potassium content supplies electrolytes that guard against water intoxication.
  • The product’s natural sweeteners are leaf extract, while sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate serve as electrolytes.
  • Fructose, a component of the product, is a natural sugar that supports your body’s electrolyte balance.
  • The drink’s hydrolyzed collagen will aid in improving renal function, and the addition of citric acid to the drink will speed up cell metabolism.
  • The beverage includes beetroot extract, which helps to dilate blood vessels and gives urine color. Your digestive tract is cleansed and acts as a laxative thanks to the psyllium seed husk in the beverage.
  • It also has pomegranate and cranberry fruit extracts, both of which are potent diuretics. While insulin stabilizes your creatinine levels by adjusting kidney function, milk thistle detoxifies your liver and helps your blood levels of creatinine.
  • Purified water, vegetable extract, creatine monohydrate, and natural flavor are also included in Rescue Detox Ice Drink.

Detox beverages, however, are considerably less complicated than you may imagine when you hear the phrase “detox.” You might imagine a difficult mix of components needed to make a cleansing brew. Detox drinks can be created at home with materials you probably already have or bought ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages that frequently meet the criteria for “clean label.”

Manufacturer, Support and Certificates

Rescue Detox Ice Drink is a popular detox product that people frequently select when they are having a drug test. This is according to Applied Sciences, the company that makes this detox drink. You no longer have to be concerned about failing a drug test because Rescue Detox Ice Drink for detoxification will assist you in passing your test.

Rescue Detox Ice Drink manufacturer, Applied Sciences, promises that using their product will help you pass your drug test, especially if you adhere to the recommended dosage. According to customer’s feedback, the majority of people who used Rescue Detox Ice Drink passed drug tests, therefore the assertion is accurate. Those who failed the drug test are those who didn’t follow the directions properly.

Before using or ingesting this detox drink, ensure to carefully read the instructions, labels, and warnings. Be aware that Applied Sciences offers a 100% money-back guarantee for this detox beverage. So, if you don’t pass your test, get in touch with them, and they’ll give you a full refund of your purchase price.

To obtain more details and for contact information of Applied Sciences, know more about Rescue Detox Ice Drink near me, how to use Rescue Detox Ice, you can visit their office at 14747 N, Northsight BlvdSuite 111-196Scottsdale, AZ 85260 or log on to website Mobile contact is +1 480-556-8400, or you can also reach them at [email protected]


According to Rescue Detox Ice Drink review, there are different online stores from where to buy Rescue Detox Ice Drink. This, therefore, does not allow for a fixed price as the price varies in different stores. On Amazon, however, a bottle of this detox drink ranges from $17?? to $18??. Whichever store you’re buying from, the good thing is there’s an option for free shipping. Some also offer discounts when you’re buying in bulk.

Pros and Cons

Rescue Detox Ice Drink offers several benefits and drawbacks that you should be aware of before purchasing the product. However, it is crucial to note that this beverage aids in removing toxins and residues of cannabis from urine.


  • Hundreds of favorable reviews
  • 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed
  • Thorough instructions
  • Made from natural components
  • Inexpensive detox drink that is affordable and simple to take
  • This beverage is generally accessible in markets both offline and online.
  • It includes organic sweeteners.
  • The product contains herbs that are fairly safe diuretics.
  • It will work for five hours.
  • The product’s salt and potassium content balance the electrolytes in the blood and urine.
  • It has vitamin B, which boosts energy and makes urine yellow.
  • The beverage contains creatine, which helps to increase creatinine levels.
  • Free shipping on orders placed anywhere in the country


The following are some Rescue Detox Ice Drink drawbacks:

  • On the manufacturer’s website, there is little information.
  • Sometimes, more precise tests can identify the product’s dilution.
  • The product is more expensive than performing your own dilution.
  • This beverage lacks zinc, a substance that helps people pass drug tests.
  • It has laxatives, which can make you ill and interfere with a drug test.
  • It does not take more than five hours for the effects to wear off

Frequently asked questions and answers on Rescue Detox Ice Drink

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Rescue Detox Drink. You can make the best choice with the assistance of these FAQs.

  1. What function does creatine serve?

It’s no secret that drug tests check your body’s creatinine levels to avoid contaminating the urine sample. Keep in mind that it results from the metabolism of creatinine. To pass the test after consuming a lot of water to dilute your urine, you must increase your creatinine levels. Because of this, Rescue Detox Drink contains components that raise your body’s creatinine levels.

  1. Do detox drinks work for a drug test?

Rescue Detox Drink does, in fact, aids in passing a urine drug test. Additionally, this medication will function for other narcotics including opioids, cocaine, and cannabis.

  1. Can I still drink the day before the test even while detoxing?

NO. Detox must be fully completed prior to the test date. Regardless of if it was finished a day or a week before the test, it must be ensured that the detoxification is completed.

  1.  How long does a detox drink take to work?

The effects of the Rescue Detox Drink will linger for at least 5 hours, if not longer. Furthermore, bulking up on detox medications like Toxin Rid may enhance the result.

5. Where can I purchase Rescue Detox Ice Drink nearby?

Rescue Detox Drink can be purchased from a variety of online retailers; however, most people opt to purchase it through Wal-Mart or Amazon.

Customer Review

The Rescue detox ice drink Amazon reviews are included below.

Positive reviews

Some people still ask the question, “does Rescue Detox Ice really work?”, here are some reviews to help change your mind.





Negative Reviews




One of the well-known detoxifying products to pass a urine drug test is Rescue Detox Drink. It is evident from the drink’s reviews that it can assist in removing toxins and drug remnants from your blood and urine, enabling you to pass a drug test. To ensure that you receive only the best outcomes, follow the Rescue Detox Ice instructions precisely.